Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2020 DVD Announcment

As some of you may know already, we are planning on a DVD  release in 2010!  This is going to be the first of a number of DVDs which focus on Program Design, Exercise Form, and Advanced Training Concepts.  Each DVD will focus on a different physique goal. 

These DVDs will explain how to put together an effective, progressive program, while avoiding plateaus and physical and mental overtraining.  These DVDs will include full exercise descriptions and demonstrations, along with experienced advice and tips to increase the benefits of each lift.  You will learn how to form an effective routine using the proper amount of reps, sets, exercises, and rest.

The first DVD will be geared towards building lean muscle, bodybuilding style, while the second DVD will be focused on fat loss oriented weight routines and cardio methods.  We are still in the early stages of production, and would love to hear any comments, requests, and ideas on how we can make these DVDs the best they can be.

Please send your thoughts to or simply reply to this blog!

Thanks for reading and train strong!

1 comment:

  1. The videos sound cool! I will be anxious to hear more about the 2nd video on fat loss and cardio. No advice but if I think of anything I will surely let you know. Good luck. You are getting into the big time!!
